all postcodes in NN11 / DAVENTRY

find any address or company within the NN11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NN / Northampton

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NN11 6BG 3 1 52.248317 -1.232095
NN11 6DB 3 0 52.177351 -1.296494
NN11 6DD 7 0 52.246261 -1.209325
NN11 6DE 8 3 52.243539 -1.197993
NN11 6DF 6 0 52.245065 -1.209771
NN11 6DG 11 0 52.177908 -1.294818
NN11 6DH 25 2 52.176662 -1.298421
NN11 6DJ 44 0 52.177382 -1.298687
NN11 6DL 20 1 52.175573 -1.296815
NN11 6DN 6 0 52.191589 -1.29741
NN11 6DP 34 0 52.178893 -1.295695
NN11 6DQ 15 0 52.178818 -1.295228
NN11 6DR 30 0 52.179178 -1.29904
NN11 6DS 3 0 52.250104 -1.271482
NN11 6DT 2 0 52.254465 -1.26772
NN11 6DU 10 0 52.257773 -1.281729
NN11 6DW 8 0 52.180359 -1.29497
NN11 6DX 15 0 52.259079 -1.282177
NN11 6DY 1 0 52.261096 -1.284181
NN11 6DZ 1 0 52.261461 -1.28652